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Postcard from Verona

Postcard from Verona

Anna Perlini

I was born in the hometown of Romeo and Juliet. Every day on my way to school, I used to walk past the famous balcony where Shakespeare has the pair exchange passionate v... »

Life as a climb

Life as a climb

Anna Perlini

The other day, some friends took me on what I thought would be a short climb. We parked the car and took a look at the summit. We got out our climbing gear and started pu... »



Anna Perlini

It never ceases to amaze me how Lidija, a dear friend of mine, can turn garbage into works of art. As a volunteer, she runs a day center called Koraci (Steps) and organiz... »

Lost in my hometown

Lost in my hometown

Anna Perlini

I thought the move was going to be a simple change of scenery, possibly requiring some minor adjustments at most. After all, I was returning to my home country, already k... »

Anti-fear therapy

Anti-fear therapy

Anna Perlini

I was cleaning up my brushes and paint cans after some volunteers and I finished painting a large mural for the local Sunday school when Maxim passed me a note: I was rea... »

A working alternative

A working alternative

Anna Perlini

I first met Ivan in 1995 while collecting aid in Italy for delivery to refugee camps in Croatia and Bosnia. I remember his smile and warm handshake. It was a few years be... »

Notebooks and planners

Notebooks and planners

Anna Perlini

Ever since my school days, one of my greatest thrills has been to start a new notebook. That first nice-smelling white page, all clean and perfect, without wrinkles or de... »

Shiny red apples

Shiny red apples

Anna Perlini

Christmas 1984 was our family’s third Christmas away from Europe, and the remote village in eastern India where we had moved to help as volunteers had become a second hom... »

Riverside walk

Riverside walk

Anna Perlini

Long discussions regarding possible changes made the future seem foggier by the day. Several years earlier, my husband and I, together with a few friends, had founded a h... »

Tribute to a butterfly

Tribute to a butterfly

Anna Perlini

Andja was born in 1962 in the former Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. When war broke out in the 1990s, Andja’s family fled as refugees to Vojnic, a small t... »

The love of colors

The love of colors

Anna Perlini

One of the first presents I remember receiving was a small set of tempera paints. Later came a set of oil paints, a tripod, and some canvas. I remember my first “masterpi... »