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Do some people really “have it all”?

Do some people really “have it all”?

Question: Why is it that some people seem to lead charmed lives? They have good looks, great health, lots of natural abilities, and lots of friends—everything—while peopl... »

Shaken by life’s changes

Shaken by life’s changes

Question: I prefer stability and routine to big changes and drama, but the latter seem inevitable. That’s unsettling. How can I learn to handle changing circumstances so... »

A life multiplied

A life multiplied

The Rev. H. Merriweather, a missionary of the Sri Lanka and India General Mission, was visiting the United States, and the head office of the mission asked him to call up... »

Make me a cake

Make me a cake

Our story takes place in Israel, around 850 BC.[[A retelling of 1 Kings 17]] It was a sad and difficult time for a nation that was suffering under the worst king it had e... »

Progress—one step at a time

Progress—one step at a time

Ask God to help you set goals and arrive at the best plan for achieving them. The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.—Psalm 3... »

Heaven’s child

Heaven’s child

This is the story of our son Gabriel, who was born with Down syndrome and was truly a special child. Although Gabriel only lived on this earth for two years and four mont... »

The special

The special

Sandra felt as low as the heels of her Birkenstocks as she pushed against a cold winter gust and the florist shop door. Her life had been easy, like a spring breeze. Then... »

Strength for a new year

Strength for a new year

By J. R. Miller[[Published in 1913, adapted. Source:]] We ought to make something of every year. Each new year s... »

Gift ideas for hard times

Gift ideas for hard times

How to give more while spending less Time. You would probably be surprised at how many people on your gift list would enjoy an evening of company more than a boxed gift.... »

Why is loving others often so difficult?

Why is loving others often so difficult?

Loving others can be extremely difficult at times. A common phrase to refer to those people that we consistently find ourselves challenged to love is “extra grace require... »

Dinner date

Dinner date

After 21 years of marriage, I discovered a new way of keeping the spark of love alive. A little while ago I went out with another woman. It was really my wife’s idea. “I... »

Rekindling the magic

Rekindling the magic

Question: My wife and I have been married for 11 years, and though we still love each other, our relationship has grown stale. What can we do to put the magic back in our... »

“He expected it of me”

“He expected it of me”

There is a story about two brothers who enlisted in the army during World War I and were assigned to the same unit. They were soon sent to the frontline trenches. In WWI... »