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God of Brilliance

God of Brilliance

Heavenly Father, I praise and honor You and give glory to You, the God of all creation, who has created all things—the beauty of all that I see, the smallest to the great... »

How to share Jesus’ love at Christmastime!

How to share Jesus’ love at Christmastime!

Question: I would like to make this coming Christmas more meaningful for me and my family than past Christmases, but I don’t know where to start. Any suggestions? Answer:... »

Bring back the joy

Bring back the joy

Question: I feel less happy than I did when I was younger. How can I regain some of the joy of life that I’ve lost?  Answer: At some point, many adults have looked at a c... »

The search for meaning

The search for meaning

Once when I was talking to a travel agent, our conversation moved to spiritual topics and the existence of God. “I don’t believe in God,” she said. “If there is a God, wh... »

Why suffering?

Why suffering?

Question: Why does God allow suffering? Doesn’t He care about us? Answer: God certainly does care! It grieves Him to see us suffer. The Bible tells us, “As a father pitie... »

When parents aren’t perfect

When parents aren’t perfect

Question: As my children grow older, it’s getting harder and harder to be the good parent I want so much to be. The issues are more complex, and my inadequacies are more... »

11 ways to say “I love you”

11 ways to say “I love you”

If you’re looking for ways to make those you love feel special and appreciated, here are a few ideas to get you started. Put it into words. Those three little words—“I lo... »

How inner change works

How inner change works

Question: You say that God can and wants to turn my personal weaknesses into strong points. I’ve prayed for that, but so far nothing has changed. Why doesn’t God answer m... »

Shaken by life’s changes?

Shaken by life’s changes?

Question: I prefer stability and routine to big changes and drama, but the latter seem inevitable. That’s unsettling. How can I learn to handle changing circumstances so... »

Finding the purpose of Christmas

Finding the purpose of Christmas

After a couple of low-key Christmases in a row, due to health restrictions prompted by the pandemic, many of us have shifted to simpler, more intimate celebrations. Doing... »

The Christian profile

The Christian profile

The Epistle to Diognetus was written by an unnamed Christian to a high-ranking pagan, probably in the late second century. Perhaps the earliest preserved explanation and... »

Rest assured

Rest assured

Stress is no fun. Whether as a student cramming before an important exam, a parent juggling the demands of work and family, someone facing a serious health problem, a pro... »

Forward to success

Forward to success

Many of God's promises are conditional, requiring some initial action on our part. Once we begin to obey, He will begin to bless us. Great things were promised to Abraham... »