Activated Author
Seeking First His Kingdom
When Jesus was preparing His disciples for His imminent death, He reassured them with these words: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him,... »
Prayer Pointers
Praise and thank the Lord before presenting requests to Him. Psalm 95:2: Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of... »
God’s Delays Are Not Denials
Each of us has experienced disappointment when things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, and if we had prayed for that outcome that didn’t happen, we were doubly... »
A Communion Prayer
O Lord, my God, my inseparable companion—nothing can sever my branch from Your vine (John 15:5). Whether or not I feel You near, You are always with me. Thank You that Yo... »
Why is God taking so long?
Question: I’ve been looking for a new job, but so far without success. If I have prayed and am doing my part, why isn’t God helping me? Answer: The way God works in our l... »
A Compass for Life’s Journey
The Bible covers God’s revelation about Himself, His love for humanity, the means of salvation, and the relationship He wishes to have with humankind. It also contains in... »
Navigating Life
The Bible is the most marvelous book in the world. It not only tells us where we’re going, but also how we got here, why we’re here, how to survive and be happy while her... »
What Is the Bible?
The word Bible is derived from the Greek word biblion, meaning “book,” but it is far more than a mere book. It is “the Word of God” and the foundation of Christian faith... »
Treasures New and Old
Many books in my library are now behind and beneath me. They were good in their way once, and so were the clothes I wore when I was ten years old; but I have outgrown the... »
A Soldier’s Great Faith
In the city of Capernaum in Israel, there lived a prominent officer of the Roman army, a centurion responsible for a garrison of a hundred soldiers. He and his men had ke... »
New Every Morning
Thank You for giving us this beautiful day, and for bestowing upon us Your mercies, which are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22–23). Lord, I pray that You will show me... »
The Future Foretold in the Bible
The Bible is full of many prophecies and predictions about the future that were written by God’s prophets thousands of years ago.—Prophecies that accurately describe worl... »