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Jesus and Jim

Jesus and Jim

The story is told of a certain minister who was disturbed to see a shabbily dressed old man go into his church at noon every day and come out again after a few minutes. W... »

The parable of the Sower

The parable of the Sower

When speaking to the multitudes, Jesus often taught them in parables, seemingly simple stories about everyday events, circumstances and concepts that His listeners could... »

Building friendships

Building friendships

Question: I want to get along well with others and enjoy friendships and meaningful relationships, but often I don’t know where to begin. How can I build strong connectio... »

In partnership with God

In partnership with God

Success. Goals. Achievement. These are words we hear frequently—more so at the beginning of a new year. People may define success in many different ways, whether in relat... »

Calling of an Ambassador

Calling of an Ambassador

A story is told of William Gladstone (1809–1898), a famous Christian who was England’s prime minister four times and one of the most prominent British political leaders o... »

The woman at the well

The woman at the well

Although most of us have heard the term “good Samaritan,” we may not be aware of who the Samaritans were and the enmity that existed between the Jewish people and the Sam... »

What is truth?

What is truth?

Standing in the judgment hall of Roman-controlled Jerusalem, face to face with Jesus, the prophet of Galilee, the procurator Pontius Pilate asked what was to become one o... »

The bible on truth

The bible on truth

Today the meaning of the word “truth” has often come to refer to either “something honest or factual,” or to someone’s personal worldview. In the following verses of the... »

Worth it all

Worth it all

When Jesus left this earth and returned to heaven, He explained that He was going ahead of us, to prepare a place for us (John 14:2)—a place where there will be no more d... »

Our Humble Savior

Our Humble Savior

Let’s take a look at how Jesus’ character was manifested through some of the key events in His life. The King of kings chose the path of humility and submission. Jesus bo... »

God never fails

God never fails

Each of us, at some point in our lives, has experienced deep disappointments when things just didn’t work out as we had hoped or expected, and perhaps we were tempted to... »

The discipleship challenge

The discipleship challenge

For many people, coming to know and accept Christ is a life-changing event. For example, immediately after he met and talked with Jesus, the entire life of Zacchaeus the... »

The parables of Jesus

The parables of Jesus

When Jesus spoke to the multitudes, He often explained deep truths by means of parables—stories about common events, circumstances, and things that His listeners could ea... »