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Only He knows

Only He knows

Elsa S.

As a child, I often heard the saying, “Prayer is not the least you can do, but the most you can do.” I thought that any situation could be solved with earnest prayer. Whe... »

The atheist and the Bible

The atheist and the Bible

Chris Mizrany

My good friends Frank and Lisa were manning a stall with various gospel books on display. They were also giving out tracts to those passing by. One man stopped, looked at... »

Finding faith

Finding faith

Aaliyah Williams

One day, while browsing in a bookshop, I came across an encyclopedia with a section of Bible-related articles. I was curious to see how a secular scholar might depict the... »

Meeting my best friend

Meeting my best friend

Keith Phillips

I was 21 when I read the Bible for the first time. Someone had suggested I read the Gospel of John first, but I knew so little about the Bible at the time that I didn’t u... »

The patient one

The patient one

Marie Alvero

Life is a constant stream of contradictions—things to hold on to, to let go of, to fight for, to give up. We’re told to try harder, to give ourselves a break, to loosen u... »

Meet Me in the morning

Meet Me in the morning

Message from Jesus

You do well to take time with Me first thing in the morning, for without Me, you wouldn’t go far. I am wisdom, I am strength, and I am love. As I told My disciples, you c... »

Why suffering

Why suffering

Ronan Keane

Most people try not to think about it more than they have to, but there's no denying it: There's a lot of suffering in the world. Innocents are killed, maimed, and made h... »

The tempest tree

The tempest tree

If you’ve ever felt like your whole life has been uprooted and you have no idea how you’ll make it to the next day, take heart from the Turner’s Oak—a 16-meter-tall giant... »

Jesus comforts His disciples

Jesus comforts His disciples

Ruth Davidson

When Jesus first told His disciples that he would soon be leaving them, they were greatly perplexed and asked Him all kinds of questions. The thought of Him leaving them... »

Encountering the comforter

Encountering the comforter

Steve Hearts

In John 14:26, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to comfort His followers after His departure from this world. "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Fath... »

Like bees

Like bees

Marie Story

Have you ever tried sleeping with a fly or mosquito in the room? You’re lying there, nearly asleep, when bzzzzzzz—the fly dive-bombs your face. Some flies are even bold e... »