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Forgiveness first

Forgiveness first

Marie Alvero

Mark’s gospel tells us about a paralyzed man who Jesus healed. Jesus was teaching in a room so crowded that the man’s friends had to make a hole in the roof and lower him... »

Always and forever

Always and forever

Message from Jesus

I pour forth My love constantly, without end, but how much you see and feel My love depends on your faith—how much you look for it and recognize it in the innumerable way... »

Being the difference

Being the difference

Ronan Keane

“A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead…”[[Luke 10:... »

Overcoming evil with good

Overcoming evil with good

Marie Story

It’s interesting to note that the apostle Paul wrote the verse “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”[[Romans 12:21 NIV]] to the Christians in Rome, be... »

Heavenly encouragement

Heavenly encouragement

Maria Fontaine

I was cold. Having to get out of my nice, warm bed early on a brisk morning didn’t seem like an ideal way to start the day. I was tired. I hadn’t slept well the night bef... »

Exchange of yokes

Exchange of yokes

Keith Phillips

I had read that passage from the Bible I don’t know how many times, and I memorized it years ago. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I wi... »

Free course

Free course

Uday Paul

“The word of God is not bound!”[[2 Timothy 2:9]] the apostle Paul wrote to his young friend Timothy while he was in prison in Rome awaiting his execution. After the Great... »

A life multiplied

A life multiplied

The Rev. H. Merriweather, a missionary of the Sri Lanka and India General Mission, was visiting the United States, and the head office of the mission asked him to call up... »

Your turn to love

Your turn to love

Alex Peterson

Do you have parents, grandparents, or other loved ones who are suffering from any of the long-term troubles that occur naturally in old age? Here are five ways that you c... »

Boiling stones

Boiling stones

Iris Richard

By May 2020, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic had created serious conditions for thousands of families who live in informal settlements in Kenya and rely on day-labor... »

True justice

True justice

Marie Alvero

True justice starts with one truth: every human is made in the image of God. That is what gives us worth. This equalizes us across all the divides of race, gender, abilit... »

Giving to others

Giving to others

Message from Jesus

Embrace new opportunities to give. Your giving muscle easily grows flabby through lack of use. Try to find something to give every single day—whether a smile, a complimen... »