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Peace plan

Peace plan

Keith Phillips

Peace is a “fruit of the Spirit,”[[See Galatians 5:22–23.]] one of the special blessings the Bible promises to those who strive to live close to God. The Hebrew word tran... »

When rains are refreshing

When rains are refreshing

Joyce Suttin

After seven years of drought where I live, we had a very rainy spring. It’s made me think a lot about rain. For the past few years, we’ve had very dry weather intersperse... »

Why I don’t fear the future

Why I don’t fear the future

Tina Kapp

I’ve talked with lots of people who are afraid of the future. Even though the Bible teaches us from beginning to end about God’s power and plan to protect His own no matt... »

Rough seas

Rough seas

Marie Alvero

There’s a peace I’ve come to know Though my heart and flesh may fail There’s an anchor for my soul I can say “It is well” I sang these words over and over, hoping that th... »

Pacing yourself

Pacing yourself

Message from Jesus

The pilgrimage of the Christian life is a continual climb upward. There are small plateaus where you are able to pause, rest, and relax, and even places of prolonged resp... »

The full life

The full life

Ronan Keane

One day, somebody asked Jesus to arbitrate in a legal dispute between him and his brother. Jesus wasn’t interested in getting involved in their squabbles over an inherita... »

A work in progress

A work in progress

Keith Phillips

One indelible memory from my childhood is of a boy about my age walking on crutches. Each time he took a step with his right foot, his left leg swung limply a few inches... »

Forward to success

Forward to success

Many of God's promises are conditional, requiring some initial action on our part. Once we begin to obey, He will begin to bless us. Great things were promised to Abraham... »

Less is more

Less is more

One day I was out and saw a new electronic scale that takes a person’s weight, correlates it with his or her height, and plots a graph that shows whether that person is u... »

God’s answers

God’s answers

Christian author Henry W. Frost, who worked with the China Inland Mission, wrote a book on healing titled Miraculous Healing, first published in 1931. Although it was wri... »

The walk

The walk

Steve Hearts

There are undoubtedly many things in life which are far easier said than done. The path of words is often much easier to take than that of action. But if words are not ba... »

Failing forward

Failing forward

Dennis Edwards

My wife and I were on a three-week holiday of rest, relaxation, and spiritual refilling while we visited her family in the sunny clime of Tenerife. As we relaxed by a nat... »

Learning from God

Learning from God

Maria Fontaine

We can go through life and miss some of the things that God is trying to teach us if we don’t intentionally seek to learn from God. Some things are obvious, but others ar... »