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Wings from weights

Wings from weights

There is a beautiful stained glass window in the historic Wesley’s Chapel in London, inscribed with these words: “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utt... »

God cut the red tape

God cut the red tape

Rosane Pereira

When our family moved to a new country for my husband’s work, we heard distressing stories about the process to obtain a local driver’s license. My new friends told me of... »

The waters of God’s Word

The waters of God’s Word

William B. McGrath

In Psalm 27 we read that King David considered it his principal joy to be able to gaze on the beauty of God in the tabernacle where the artifacts symbolizing God’s interv... »

A whole lot of something

A whole lot of something

Aaliyah Williams

Have you ever had a cake that was more frosting or fondant than cake itself? When I encounter a cake like that, I usually scrape off the topping and eat the cake. The top... »

Positive programming

Positive programming

Ronan Keane

Most of us struggle with negative thinking at some point in our lives. We put ourselves down for real or imagined faults and weaknesses, or we compare ourselves negativel... »

The widow of Zarephath

The widow of Zarephath

Marie Alvero

The Bible records many passages on generosity. It’s an important trait of the Christian life, and as followers of Jesus, we are called to be generous, joyful givers. But... »

A piece of the puzzle

A piece of the puzzle

Message from Jesus

I can see the questions that have come up in your mind since things don’t seem to be going as smoothly as you had expected or hoped. You wonder if you got it right, if yo... »

Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace

Ronan Keane

At an art contest on the theme of peace, most of the competitors contributed tranquil scenes of lazy days in the countryside, where all was stillness and harmony. To be s... »

Why we matter

Why we matter

Chris Mizrany

When I see a sunrise, feel the sun on my face, revel in the ocean’s spray, or behold the splendor of nature’s vistas, I often think what a special place earth is. Recentl... »

Feeling unsettled?

Feeling unsettled?

Peter Amsterdam

In Philippians 4:6–7, the apostle Paul instructs the believers: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, pres... »

Rest assured

Rest assured

Stress is no fun. Whether as a student cramming before an important exam, a parent juggling the demands of work and family, someone facing a serious health problem, a pro... »

My flight foible

My flight foible

When I was in the darkness of my struggle, I didn’t want to talk about it, but now that the light is on, I can. To make a long story short: no show, no go. And now the fu... »