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His desire, His plan, our happiness

His desire, His plan, our happiness

We all need to make decisions as we navigate through life. Depending on our nature, we might love figuring it all out or it might scare us. For most of us, it’s probably... »

God’s GPS

God’s GPS

Carlos Campos

Technological developments can help us understand a bit more about God and how He manages His affairs. For example, prayer can be illustrated by the cell phone, used to i... »

The broad-leafed cactus

The broad-leafed cactus

Iris Richard

Walking along a narrow path in the tropical forest we often visit for a Sunday walk, under the radiant early-morning African sun, I notice a magnificent cactus and stop t... »

Free agents

Free agents

Peter Amsterdam

Have you ever been faced with important decisions and needed explicit direction, only to feel as if God was in silent mode?—Right when you would most like Him to give a p... »

Time to launch

Time to launch

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.—André Gide (1869–1951) Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is... »

Set sail!

Set sail!

Abi May

My friend Jack lived in a large house in a pleasant, leafy suburb. It was a great place to raise his family of five, but his children have long since married and moved on... »

42 kilometers of life

42 kilometers of life

John Kelly

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so ea... »

The right choice

The right choice

Elsa S.

The summer when I was twelve, my father surprised my younger sister and me by announcing that he had a different plan for our summer holiday. Instead of planning our vaca... »

Lighten up

Lighten up

Abi May

The ministry of John the Baptist mostly preceded that of Jesus. John’s message was one of repentance; he proclaimed the coming of the Savior. Although some of his followe... »

The best place

The best place

Message from Jesus

Following Me doesn’t mean that you will never encounter problems, because problems are part of life on earth, and they’re one of the ways in which I teach and strengthen... »

Building and strengthening

Building and strengthening

Ronan Keane

The Roman author Tertullian (c.160–c. 225), when speaking of the early church, reported that the pagans would exclaim, “See how they love one another!” Clearly the Christ... »

A lesson from orchids

A lesson from orchids

Today would have been my daughter Rejoice’s birthday. It’s our custom to celebrate this day every year since she passed away by remembering some of the special moments sh... »

The boy sitting next to me

The boy sitting next to me

Joshua Lee

This should be easy, I thought as I prepared to enter high school. I didn’t expect to have any problems making friends or interacting with my classmates. Unfortunately, m... »