What proof do we need before we will believe that God exists? For the person determined not to believe, almost anything, no matter how amazing or extraordinary, will eventually be explained away. On the other hand, we can look at nature, at situations occurring around us, and at the accounts we hear of amazing happenings or circumstances coming together at just the right time and see God’s hand in them.

While thinking about this I remembered a story that my parents told me when they had just dedicated their lives to serving God.

My father had recently had an accident that had left him paralyzed; he was in rehabilitation for months. During that time, my mom, sister, and I lived in a trailer in the parking lot of the medical center. Money was extremely tight, and one day, during our visit to the rehab center, my mom told my dad that although she was expecting some finances at the end of the week, we only had two dollars to buy formula, diapers, and food. My father prayed and claimed the Bible verse that says: “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Then, he said, “Well, we have two dollars. Let’s go get the kids some ice cream.”

And so, we left, my father in a wheelchair and my mother pushing me in a stroller while my sister toddled alongside. While walking through the parking lot, they happened to look down and there, as if pasted to the ground, was a brand-new 20-dollar bill! No one was around, it was a windy day, and yet there it was, as if it had been waiting for them.

This was enough money for my mom to buy our needs for the following days until more finances came in. Miracle? Coincidence? Chance? They couldn’t prove it, but for my parents, who had just come to know Jesus and were growing in faith, this was a miraculous answer to their prayers.

Maybe instead of trying so hard to find logical explanations for everything that happens in our lives, we should allow our faith to grow by looking for God’s hand in everything and realizing that God loves and cares for us. We may never be able to prove that something miraculous occurred, but our faith will be strengthened, and we will be able to move forward in that assurance and faith.