I love you. It’s just that simple. I know you and everything about your life and experiences, and I care for you. I understand the challenges of life that you face every day, as you make decisions and try to figure out the best ways to live and thrive. Always remember that the burdens you carry can be lightened if you will come to Me 1.

Though your life will run its course and one day you will die, the real you—your spirit, which dwells within the confines of your body—will live forever. That is why the material things of this world are not the things to strive for, because one day you must leave them behind. The things that truly matter transcend the material: love, kindness, mercy, giving.

So do good. Be kind. Give generously. Love your family, friends, neighbors, and those you meet in the course of your everyday life. Show mercy, kindness, and compassion, for in doing so, you show Me to others.

I have loved you with an everlasting love—a love so great that I came to earth and took on human form and gave My life on the cross for your redemption. I am the resurrection and the life, and everyone who believes and receives Me will never die 2. So, when you come to the end of your life, you will come to your eternal home, where love, joy, peace, and truth reign.

  1. Matthew 11:28–30
  2. John 11:25–26