You have heard that the joy of the Lord is your strength.1 How do you get this joy? By loving Me with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, and by loving others. As long as you have a heart of love—love for Me and love for others—I will fill you with My joy and peace.

Always remember, your joy in Me will be your strength. This is My will, that you find joy and great peace in your life. It brings Me joy when I see you happy and laughing. So be happy and enjoy yourself and enjoy life and your many blessings—big and small and everything in between! For in enjoying these, you are enjoying Me.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty2—liberty to proclaim the joy that you find in Me—the joy of your salvation, the joy that comes from My Word, My Spirit and prayer, from the testimonies of answers to prayer, from your loved ones, family and friends. Freely share these joys and the love and power that My Spirit brings into your life through the liberty that only My Spirit can bring.

  1. See Nehemiah 8:10.
  2. See 2 Corinthians 3:17.