Today I was reminded of a miracle God did in answer to prayer. I am sure He answers my prayers every day and those of billions of others around the world; it’s just that we often don’t recognize His hand at work in our lives. Each answer to prayer that we experience is a precious treasure that shines more each time we share it. That’s why I don’t want to keep this testimony to myself or take it for granted as I lightheartedly say, “Oh well, another day, another miracle.”

That particular morning my wife and I had taken some extra time in our busy schedule to read God’s Word, pray, and connect with the Holy Spirit so we would be strengthened for the day. I believe that was one reason the Lord worked on our behalf.

Later in the day I visited a friend for a Bible study. It was monsoon season in India where we lived at the time, and as it does so often at that time of year, the wind began blowing fiercely amidst very heavy rain. As my friend and I were safe and secure inside, our driver was outside minding the car and catching up on some needed rest. A security guard from another flat came up and knocked on the window of our car to awaken the driver from his nap.

“Better move your car,” he warned, “That tree you are parked under doesn’t look very stable.”

“Nothing doing! You just want me to move so you can give my parking place to someone else!”

“Just trying to help. But I suggest you move your car now.”

Something about the friendly tone in the guard’s voice caused our driver to heed his advice to move the car forward. He had not even turned off the engine when the tree fell with a colossal boom right where he had been parked moments before! The tree was about two meters in diameter and would have seriously damaged the car or flattened it completely with the driver inside.

The driver, my friend, and I all praised God for His protection! I am sure it was God answering the prayers for protection and safety that we had prayed that morning. This reminded me once again how important prayer is!