The essence of Christmas
The beauty of Christmas seems to have been lost in many parts of the world. Longtime traditions have been dropped to give way to flashy trends. Bright trinkets, ornaments... »
The beauty of Christmas seems to have been lost in many parts of the world. Longtime traditions have been dropped to give way to flashy trends. Bright trinkets, ornaments... »
Because I grew up in the Soviet Union, I didn’t celebrate my first Christmas until 1991 when I was 16 years old. Until then, I had never seen a manger scene, never heard... »
On the night of Jesus’ birth, in the hills near Bethlehem, shepherds were watching over their flocks. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the... »
I love the Christmas season! I often look for new ways to serve the Lord and others during this time. Two Christmases ago, I had an idea for an activity. I spent a fair b... »
In my early twenties I embarked on a life-changing journey as part of a Christian singing group. The vision was to bring God’s love and joy to children living in orphanag... »
When it nears the end of the year, most of my focus goes towards Christmas. It’s an exciting and larger-than-life kind of event. But there’s also the aspect of December b... »
I’ve been blessed with nearly 50 Christmases. It’s fun to reminisce over my Christmases, celebrated in different houses, in a variety of countries, with different people,... »
The year was 1992. Everything was going great; our youngest daughter arrived in February and we moved to a better house. My husband’s small silkscreen business was going... »
Let’s take a look at how Jesus’ character was manifested through some of the key events in His life. The King of kings chose the path of humility and submission. Jesus bo... »
Whenever I return home from a work or mission trip, my family makes little “Welcome Back” signs, which are hung on the gates, doors, walls, and pretty much all over the h... »
As the Christmas season approaches, whether your life seems to be going uphill or downhill, I am with you. Whether you’re looking for better days ahead or things are roll... »