Succeeding at the game of life
An early 20th-century American sportswriter named Grantland Rice wrote, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” That concept goes along with the th... »
An early 20th-century American sportswriter named Grantland Rice wrote, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” That concept goes along with the th... »
“Take the shot! Take the shot!!” There he stood, the football at his feet, the goal wide open, the rest of his team yelling more than enough encouragement, while the othe... »
We aren’t meant to go through life alone. Throughout our lives, we develop networks of people who we depend on and who depend on us. As babies, we are 100% dependent on o... »
We all go through situations that leave deep imprints on our spirits. I had one such experience several years ago. While I was praying, Jesus told me, “Your faith will so... »
“Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them” (Psalm 119:165 KJV). Let me tell you about some things I have not gotten offended by: My toddler g... »
When South Africa experienced a severe water shortage several years ago, our regular wet season passed with hardly any rainfall. Coupled with an urban population increase... »
In my travels through distant lands seeing ancient sights, one theme resonates. It is a foreboding sense that the treasures and pleasures of this world are fleeting. It i... »
Forbes magazine printed an article about the importance of humility for success in today’s world. In a society that values self-promotion and individualism, humility is o... »
When I started jogging for health reasons, I was not very optimistic. I didn’t think I could do much and almost talked myself out of the whole idea. But reluctantly I sta... »
My world began to turn upside down when many of the familiar ways I was used to for years threatened to unravel. Our long-term housing contract ran out, and one by one th... »
You might feel that your life isn’t very important or that what you do doesn’t add up to much in the bigger scheme of things. But each player on My team is important, and... »