The presence
Throughout the Old Testament, God’s kindness and mercy flows through the text, like this verse in the Psalms: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abou... »
Throughout the Old Testament, God’s kindness and mercy flows through the text, like this verse in the Psalms: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abou... »
This Christmas season the world aches and groans because of the losses and tragedies of the year. Many lives have been broken, and many dreams have been shattered. People... »
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. Many countries have unique customs and traditions that help make this a happy season. In Mexico, starting nine days before Chr... »
As Christmas rolled around again this year, I began to wonder why God sent Jesus to earth as a little baby in Bethlehem. We have told and retold the story, and I have pra... »
I recently had some time to relax in quiet solitude, and I decided to spend it sitting in front of our small manger scene. I lit some candles and one small lamp and liste... »
One part of the Nativity story that has held particular fascination for me is the visit of the wise men, also known as the magi. Matthew is the only Gospel that mentions... »
One by one the prisoners filed into the small meeting hall. Each one wore the same gray outfit and had the same closely trimmed haircut, but their faces showed that each... »
For many millions of us, this year has been unlike any we’ve ever had. Not since World War II has so much of the world’s population been so affected by the same crisis. T... »
How to give more while spending less Time. You would probably be surprised at how many people on your gift list would enjoy an evening of company more than a boxed gift.... »
On the night of Jesus’ birth, angels appeared to shepherds keeping watch over their flocks. “Glory to God in the highest,” they proclaimed, “and on earth peace, good will... »
Last Christmas I was a few months into a new job. My new office was an hour from my home, my hours were from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and I worked on Saturdays. I was alw... »
Love—this is My special gift for you. Love that knows no boundaries. Love that does not judge you by the color of your skin, the way you look, or how you speak. Love that... »