Principal and interest
In the course of working on this issue, I came across an inspiring story about two great men of God. I’d like to share it with you. Charles Spurgeon, the famous evangelis... »
In the course of working on this issue, I came across an inspiring story about two great men of God. I’d like to share it with you. Charles Spurgeon, the famous evangelis... »
Just before I left for India, where I was going to spend a number of years as a volunteer, a friend gave me a very original and, I thought, useful farewell present. “I’m... »
The apostle Paul addressed the issue of wealth in 1 Timothy 6:8–10: “If we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temp... »
I’ve often wished I had a truckload of money that I could use to help others. There are many people I know who need financial help for one thing or another, and it would... »
As a child, I loved to visit my grandmother Sabina’s small house in the mountains. Aunt Iota lived next door, so my sister and I would spend our days exploring with our c... »
At my age, people usually start to earnestly think about their future. Besides children, careers, and living arrangements, the subjects of pension plans and capital inves... »
Almost every single day, I’m struck by how lucky I am to work where I do. I’m a teacher at an inner-city school that serves families from all around the world. I work in... »
In the early years of my business activities, I believed that money was everything. When my wife complained that there wasn’t enough love in our marriage, I retorted that... »
Giving is easier to talk about than to do. This is especially true when it involves sacrifice. On the other hand, the Bible shows that God greatly honors this kind of giv... »
Well, not literally. I can explain. At the start of last year, I made a resolution to not purchase any new clothes or shoes that year. I had a combination of reasons for... »
Recently two friends got in touch to let me know about some pretty major events that were happening in their lives. First, Ina called to share that her daughter had teste... »
According to legend, there was once an abbey which had a very generous abbot. No beggar was ever turned away, and he gave all he could to the needy. The strange thing was... »
I told My disciples that every hair of their heads was counted and that not one sparrow falls to the ground without My Father knowing about it. I told them that they didn... »