Laying bricks
One of the most mind-boggling questions is “How does God relate to time?” The Bible does its best to give us God’s perspective. “Don’t forget that for the Lord one day is... »
One of the most mind-boggling questions is “How does God relate to time?” The Bible does its best to give us God’s perspective. “Don’t forget that for the Lord one day is... »
I find that the days I start with God are the best. He’s like a good cup of coffee: I breathe deeply of its aroma, savor its taste, enjoy its warmth on a cold morning, an... »
Take one Hearing the crunch of metal against metal as I backed out of my parking spot almost made my heart stop. I was in a hurry and had quickly scanned the parking lot... »
Another stressful, exhausting day was finally over. Frustration and fatigue hung heavily over me, a combination of hassles with my cranky computer, a gloomy sky with driz... »
It was 1996, and our family had just moved from the safety of Italy to a somewhat still troubled and unstable post-war Croatia, settling in a large apartment on the outsk... »
It is said that our life hinges on four main decisions that lead us to become what we are: the career we choose, whom we marry, the friends we make, and what we believe i... »
You can hear me banging pots in the kitchen. Slamming doors and rattling glassware, I hastily put away the dishes. Clanging loudly, I slam the iron pot on the stove. Mom... »
I read an interesting self-help article called “Take Charge of Your Life in Just One Hour,” [[Fairlady, April 2013]] by Anna Rich. It stood out to me because the advice w... »
When I ponder who the greatest people in my world are, I find there are so many to choose from. There are great men and women from the past with outstanding accomplishmen... »
I see your struggles and hear your calls for help. When you feel all alone, I am there. I feel your heartaches, and wait for you to come to Me in prayer. Come into My san... »