To the world and yourself
The Bible teaches that we are responsible to do our best with the talents and abilities that God has given us. [[See the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14–30.]] He... »
The Bible teaches that we are responsible to do our best with the talents and abilities that God has given us. [[See the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14–30.]] He... »
I recently took my teenage son to an ecotourism project in the big Complexo do Alemão group of favelas [slums] in northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There are cable gondola... »
In the course of our lives as followers of Jesus, there are always ways to minister to others, either occasionally or regularly. The common denominator in each such activ... »
This morning I dragged myself out of bed. The sun isn’t even fully up, so why should I be? As I mulled over that pithy logic, I dressed, grabbed my bag, and trudged out t... »
I wish you could meet three people who each made a big impression on me this past year. The first was a waiter’s assistant who cleared my table from his wheelchair with s... »
On a recent day off, I spent the better part of the day at the zoo. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone to a zoo. Animals are fascinating and a lot of fun to observe, a... »
The Bible is a rich storehouse of spiritual and practical advice, and examples of strong relationships are one of the recurrent themes. In fact, Martin Luther commented t... »
Before you go to sleep, think about My love for you. If you count your blessings, you’ll see how I have blessed you in so many ways, through so many things and so many pe... »