Best friend forever
The Bible lets us know that we can expect to go through some difficult times while we’re on this earth. [[See John 16:33.]] The good news is that it also promises that we... »
The Bible lets us know that we can expect to go through some difficult times while we’re on this earth. [[See John 16:33.]] The good news is that it also promises that we... »
The other night, I was awakened by a phone call that needed my urgent attention. Pulling myself from deep sleep, I had to quickly dress, grab my car keys, and run out the... »
I’ve often heard people say things like, “I must not be close to Jesus because I don’t feel close to Him.” But the Bible makes it clear that we’re not supposed to go by o... »
Two essential ingredients for success in life are a sound personal relationship with the Creator of life, followed closely by sound relationships with those around us. In... »
A few years ago, I had a turning point in my relationship with God. Until then, I had been fixated on the doing of things that would make Him happy or proud and on not do... »
My morning routine is a bit like this: My alarm goes off and I lie in bed a moment longer to pray for the day ahead. After getting up, I’ll give my inbox a quick scan, an... »
Just before Christmas a few years ago, I was involved in a car accident that almost took my life. I sustained a spinal cord injury to my T4 vertebra, leaving me paraplegi... »
Computer games have always been a part of my life. I can remember playing with my younger brother until the joints in our thumbs hurt. My favorite ones to play were extre... »
Keep your eyes on Me no matter what you face. The skies may be dark at times, the winds may blow, the waters may be deep and murky, and the waves may crash all around you... »