Overcoming crises
Are you worried about your future and that of your loved ones? Does it feel like your world recently came crashing down around you? Do you feel helpless, depressed, isola... »
Are you worried about your future and that of your loved ones? Does it feel like your world recently came crashing down around you? Do you feel helpless, depressed, isola... »
I remember learning about the word “microcosm” when I was in fifth grade. As homework, our teacher handed each of us a 36-inch string and told us to make a circle on the... »
In a series of experiments conducted a few years back, dogs were given the command “shake,” and they were normally happy to do so whether they got a reward or not. Howeve... »
What did Jesus’ resurrection mean to His original disciples—all of those who believed in Him during His lifetime on earth? And what does it mean to us today? By the time... »
About a year ago, I sprained my ankle quite badly coming out of the movie theater and needed to go to the hospital for an x-ray and to have it properly bandaged. Thankful... »
Picture a tiny, hard seed trapped in darkness. Rain falls, the sun shines, and within that seed, cells are multiplying. Soon there’s a green shoot of life. A new plant is... »
Once, when I was crossing the Sea of Galilee with My disciples, a storm arose and threatened to sink our small boat. My disciples were frightened, but I commanded the sto... »