Tender strength
In our series on the fruits of the Spirit, we’ve reached the eighth fruit, named prautes in the original Greek text—and as it turns out, that’s a particularly tricky word... »
In our series on the fruits of the Spirit, we’ve reached the eighth fruit, named prautes in the original Greek text—and as it turns out, that’s a particularly tricky word... »
In my junior year at college, I was elected coach of my fraternity’s football team. My first and most important decision was to appoint our quarterback (QB), the player (... »
I don’t want to put my father on a pedestal. He wouldn’t have wanted that. He was always self-effacing, and I can't remember him ever seeking honor for himself. When some... »
Appreciation is a human need. It’s not just something that’s nice to have when possible, but something that each person needs in order to be happy and to thrive. That’s t... »
Often when people think of leadership, the image of the strong, self-assured, authoritative leader comes to mind—the man who uses his charismatic style to drive his team... »
Born in a barn. [Mary] wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.—Luke 2:7 ESV Rejected by many. He came in... »
The best high-and-low experience I had was when I was living in Uganda and joined a mission to the former child soldiers in Gulu, the same kids you see in the movie, Mach... »
God instructs us to be meek and humble in our dealings with others … Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults bec... »
Most of us wouldn’t mind being a little more humble, but oh how we hate to be humbled! That hurts our pride, but that kind of pain is good for us if we can welcome it and... »
A gentle spirit is one of the keys to success with people. It can make all the difference in how open others are to our opinions and ideas. Jesus is pictured in the Bible... »
I like the definition of meekness that’s in my Bible dictionary. It says meekness is “an attitude of humility toward God and gentleness toward men, springing from a recog... »
Question: I realize that love and humility are Christian virtues, but what about when you see injustice? I sometimes get so upset when I read about some of the terrible t... »
According to Dr. James H. Bossard, a former professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the greatest weaknesses in family life is the way parents tal... »