In years past, Activated has occasionally featured articles describing little ceremonies the contributors participated in around the turn of the New Year. For example, friends might gather to reflect on the old year and to share their hopes and ideas for the coming one.1

These types of articles have been in my mind over the last few weeks, as we’ve approached 2021. I suspect that every start of a new year feels somewhat momentous to many people, knowing there’s so much that could be different this year than the last; but I think that even when we have the benefit of looking back at this time in our lives with hindsight, we’ll agree that it was genuinely a time unlike any other.

That being said, the things we experienced last year were unique, and by the same token, our perspectives and hopes for the coming year will be very personal. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to go about this, but I believe each of us could benefit from taking some time this month to unburden our hearts to God over the challenges and difficulties of the last year and to thank Him for the blessings we received.

Proverbs 3:6 says: “Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”2 As we step into the New Year, let’s also commit our hopes and plans into His hands, knowing that He knows what is best for each of us!

May God bless and keep you and yours this month and throughout the year!

  1. Some examples of such articles are “Life and Onions,” by Anjali Miles and “The Dawn of a New Year,” by Andrew Mateyak.
  2. NLT