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The quest for success

The quest for success

Ronan Keane

We may not all have the same definition of success, but who doesn’t want to be successful? And rightly so. The desire for comfort and security and the yearning for meanin... »

Stress relief

Stress relief

Keith Phillips

Stress relief has become a multifaceted, multi-billion-dollar industry. Armies of experts have emerged, dispensing advice of every sort. Some say the key is better time m... »

Never ever quit!

Never ever quit!

Peter Amsterdam

Life is hard sometimes. When you’ve worked as hard as you possibly could and yet you failed to make the grade, your dreams remain out of reach, and you feel you just can’... »

The path of most persistence

The path of most persistence

Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it to glory.—William Barclay (1907–1978) We must persevere in prayer that He may not permit our hearts... »

Worth forty thousand

Worth forty thousand

Tina Kapp

There are two opposite attitudes in life. Some people’s motivational attitude inspires them to work harder and be better. They also have a knack for inspiring others to b... »

Working well with others

Working well with others

Q: I was recently promoted to a managerial position that I’d had my sights on for a long time, but now I’m not sure I’m cut out for this job. It seems that everything I s... »

The problem truck

The problem truck

Li Lian

Have you ever been stuck behind a truck in the middle of rush-hour traffic? The sight of a dirty truck, loaded down with an assortment of rusty metal objects and black, o... »

The golden trait

The golden trait

Roald Watterson

I’ve been watching the TV series The X Factor, in which singers across the United States participate in a talent show contest where the winner will be awarded a multimill... »

Success and succeeding

Success and succeeding

Marie Alvero

I have a hard time defining success, specifically when it comes to my work. It seems like any enterprise that gets 40+ hours of my life each week should be setting me up... »

The snowball effect

The snowball effect

Iris Richard

Fred was 19 when our paths crossed—a troubled ambitious youth in search of purpose. After leaving home as a teenager, he’d tried many different ways to make a living and... »