The other day my wife and I took a stroll along the waterfront, enjoying the beauty of a large lake—the rugged mountains rising on both sides, the river that flows into the lake and supplies it with fresh water, the birds bobbing on the waves, the ever-changing hues of the lake, and the sun reflecting off the surface, transforming it into a stream of glittering gold. The big body of water and surrounding mountains provide a uniquely sheltered and pleasant climate.

I’ve always loved sailing, and I found myself explaining that the few sailboats on the lake were drifting or moving very slowly because of a phenomenon peculiar to that geographical location. In the morning a breeze usually comes down from the north, and in the afternoon it turns around and a stronger breeze comes up the lake from the south. At that time, it was midday, “in between winds,” so the boats were still, waiting for the wind to turn.

Then a thought came to me: In life, sometimes we’re also “in between winds.”

I’m sure God is pleased when we ask Him, “What would You have me do?” and pray for Him to show us His plans. I’m sure He appreciates our wanting to follow His ways, but there are times when we feel like a poem so aptly expresses, “I was longing to serve the Master, but alas, I was laid aside…”1 In those times we just have to wait for the wind to pick up and fill our little sail to put the boat back in motion.

We can continue to aim high, dream big, and do the best we can with whatever tasks He entrusts to our care; however, when we’re “in between winds,” it’s no good trying to blow on our own sail. It’s God’s business to send the wind in His way and in His time. We can trust that He knows what is best for us.

  1. Virginia Brandt Berg (1886–1968). Read more about her life and ministry here.