Everyone who knows Me not only has the promise of a wonderful future in heaven but can experience peace and joy here and now. You can replace worry and fear with faith and trust, knowing that nothing can separate you from My love or the eternal future I have promised 1.

As you trust Me for every aspect of your present and future, you will experience My joy and peace. So come to Me with all your worries and cares, and trust that in times of stress and troubles, I am always with you. My joy will give you strength and will sustain you no matter what happens in the world around you 2.

Keep your eyes stayed on Me. When you’re navigating the storms of life, don’t focus on the wind and the waves. If you focus on the wind, you might feel as if you’re going to be blown away. If you look at the waves, it might look as if you’re going to drown. But if you look to Me, you’ll have faith that you will make it through the storm.

The best preparation for what lies ahead, including troubling times, is the preparation of your heart. Spend time in prayer and communion with Me. Spend time reading My Word and meditate on My Word that you’ve hidden in your heart. Stay close to Me and trust that I will always be with you.

  1. Romans 8:38–39
  2. Nehemiah 8:10