Recently we bought a 1960s tiny house as an investment property. I honestly wonder if we are good investors because this little house project hasn’t gone as we had hoped. It’s been so much time, money, and grief, and not a ton of payoff.

When we purchased it, we knew it would need a lot of rehab, so my husband and I worked on it every weekend last summer. Did I mention that this is a house with no air conditioning in the dead of a Texas summer? We were gross and sweaty and grouchy and broke, but we were investing all our dollars and our elbow grease because we thought this house would be a worthy investment in our future. Though the actual return on our investment is still to be determined, this is the principle of investing: You find potential in an old, ugly, little house and you put in time and money with the hope that it will eventually be worth the sacrifice.

When I take time to reflect on this, the awe hits me. Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I am so caught up in this world that I forget that I would be dead in sin, separated from God, without hope or love or grace, if Jesus had not carried the weight of my sin. But because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, I am adopted as a child of God.

I am not an old house that needs to be restored before I have value. I already have value because Christ died for me. Reach for that joy and understanding with me!