Embrace new opportunities to give. Try to find something to give every day—whether a smile, a compliment, your time, a listening ear, a good meal, an item you don’t need, or a kind word. There is always something you can share or give to others.

Never be content with what you gave from your heart yesterday. Imagine each day as a fresh new opportunity to give as much as you can.

Even simple acts of kindness and care will go a long way in helping to bring My love and blessings into the lives of others. Reach out and drop a little sunshine into the lives of those you come in contact with today. The love you give is not wasted. It’s not unnoticed. Each small deed and kind action make a difference, so let Me work through you to share My love with those in need.

Pour out My love; give it freely to those around you. Give it in encouragement, in praise, in a helping hand wherever you can. Be My love to others. Take someone’s hand today and tell them how much you appreciate them. Let them know how special they are. Everyone is special to Me, and you can help them experience My love.