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Yolo or carpe diem?

Yolo or carpe diem?

Tina Kapp

Most people have heard the acronym “YOLO” thrown around for the past couple of years. It stands for “you only live once.” Pop stars and celebrities have made it a catchph... »

When less is more

When less is more

Jessie Richards

It’s a clichéd résumé line, but I’m a goal-oriented person. For as long as I can remember, I’ve set goals, and in particular New Year’s goals, and then worked to achieve... »

The postman’s palace

The postman’s palace

Joyce Suttin

It was a simple, mundane life, the life of Ferdinand Cheval. He was born in 1836 in a village southeast of Lyon, France, where he attended school for only six years until... »

First day of school

First day of school

Keith Phillips

New Year’s Day is sort of like the first day of school. It’s as though God gives us each a spotless new notebook, sharp new pencils, new textbooks full of new lessons, an... »

The gift

The gift

Keith Phillips

Christmas can be likened to a Christmas gift, where the giver is God, the gift is Jesus, and the recipient is both the whole world and each of us personally. The analogy... »

The sand clock

The sand clock

Curtis Peter van Gorder

I went to my desk on Christmas Eve morning to find that our beloved sand clock glass had somehow broken. I threw it away, then fished it out again to take one last dramat... »

Giving Christmas

Giving Christmas

Lilia Potters

It was Christmas Eve. I was in a hurry, trying to finish my work early and prepare for the evening with my family and friends, when the phone rang. I answered impatiently... »

Finding Christmas

Finding Christmas

Mara Hodler

Just about everyone is excited to receive a gift. There is something wonderful about knowing that someone cared enough to think about what you would like, shopped for it... »

Father to the fatherless

Father to the fatherless

Koos Stenger

“God is your father,” the young man said. “He came down at Christmas in human form. Through Jesus, you can know what God is like.” He looked at me with hopeful eyes, but... »

A multifaceted Savior

A multifaceted Savior

Jessie Richards

I’ve been thinking how Christmas traditions vary not only from country to country, but from family to family. The food In some countries, the classic main dish is a ham o... »

My hand in God’s

My hand in God’s

Gabriela DeLorenzo

In my quest to accomplish some of my goals and turn my dreams into reality, I’m currently in a position where things ahead seem quite bleak. There is little I can do to m... »