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The woman at the well

The woman at the well

Although most of us have heard the term “good Samaritan,” we may not be aware of who the Samaritans were and the enmity that existed between the Jewish people and the Sam... »

Sharing your faith

Sharing your faith

Li Lian

Sharing our faith is something that many of us feel we should do but sometimes don’t know where to start. Here are some helpful tips. Ask meaningful questions. Asking spe... »

What is truth?

What is truth?

Standing in the judgment hall of Roman-controlled Jerusalem, face to face with Jesus, the prophet of Galilee, the procurator Pontius Pilate asked what was to become one o... »

The results

The results

Maria Fontaine

Even when you don’t see the results of your witness right away, God has promised that His Word will not return unto Him void; it will accomplish His purpose (Isaiah 55:11... »

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Hélène Mineo

Because I grew up in the Soviet Union, I didn’t celebrate my first Christmas until 1991 when I was 16 years old. Until then, I had never seen a manger scene, never heard... »

Meaningful memories

Meaningful memories

Victoria Olivetta

I love the Christmas season! I often look for new ways to serve the Lord and others during this time. Two Christmases ago, I had an idea for an activity. I spent a fair b... »

My Christmas in July

My Christmas in July

Katrin Prentice

In my early twenties I embarked on a life-changing journey as part of a Christian singing group. The vision was to bring God’s love and joy to children living in orphanag... »

Celebrate the positive

Celebrate the positive

Amy Joy Mizrany

When it nears the end of the year, most of my focus goes towards Christmas. It’s an exciting and larger-than-life kind of event. But there’s also the aspect of December b... »

Christmas peace

Christmas peace

Marie Alvero

I’ve been blessed with nearly 50 Christmases. It’s fun to reminisce over my Christmases, celebrated in different houses, in a variety of countries, with different people,... »

Finding joy again

Finding joy again

Rosane Pereira

The year was 1992. Everything was going great; our youngest daughter arrived in February and we moved to a better house. My husband’s small silkscreen business was going... »

Welcome back

Welcome back

Chris Mizrany

Whenever I return home from a work or mission trip, my family makes little “Welcome Back” signs, which are hung on the gates, doors, walls, and pretty much all over the h... »

Childlike joy

Childlike joy

Marie Knight

Recently my young son was ecstatic to receive a new school pencil—just a regular, old-fashioned, orange, made-in-China pencil. He beamed as he proudly showed it to me and... »

Count your blessings

Count your blessings

Rosane Pereira

A few days ago, I was in a hurry and passed by a middle-aged man sitting on the sidewalk between a church and a hot dog stand. I heard a voice in my conscience say: Stop!... »