God’s unfailing promises
As we turn the page of the past, we can look forward to tomorrow with hope and expectancy. This may sound overly optimistic, but I prefer looking at the future from that... »
As we turn the page of the past, we can look forward to tomorrow with hope and expectancy. This may sound overly optimistic, but I prefer looking at the future from that... »
When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, when our world is shaken and it seems like everything is falling apart, we might be tempted to think that God has aband... »
When I was a schoolgirl, I remember hearing a melancholic song that contained the lyrics “Why was I born; why am I living?” At the time, I couldn’t imagine why anyone wou... »
While we live in a world full of unrest and uncertainties, it’s wonderful to know that we have a loving Savior who knows our every heartcry, our every need. He fills us w... »
The Bible is full of surprising and unexpected events, and the Christmas story is no exception. The first chapter of Luke sets the scene. Zacharias was performing his nor... »
When I was a schoolgirl, I remember hearing a melancholic song that contained the lyrics, “Why was I born; why am I living?” At the time, I couldn’t imagine why anyone wo... »
Nature often speaks to us of God’s creation in allegorical symbols, such as the most miraculous event in history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection Plant,... »
For many of us, death is a subject we don’t want to even think about, much less talk about. Nevertheless, we must all pass through its portal sooner or later, “for dust y... »
Ever since our family moved to southeast Texas, we’ve been experiencing frequent hurricanes, floods, sweltering heat in the summer, and freezing temperatures in the winte... »
On a return trip from visiting some of my children and grandchildren, I was waiting to board my plane at Gate 56. The silence was rudely broken by a voice emanating from... »
When Jesus first told His disciples that he would soon be leaving them, they were greatly perplexed and asked Him all kinds of questions. The thought of Him leaving them... »