Catch the boat
You may have heard the story of the man who was trapped in a flood and had a vision of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. As the water starte... »
You may have heard the story of the man who was trapped in a flood and had a vision of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. As the water starte... »
When we face times of change, we can often feel and see God moving and working in our lives, as change is in the air all around us! When He’s the one pointing us in a new... »
I recently read about Tim Keller, a well-known author, counselor, and pastor, who was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer in May 2020. I admired the attitude he m... »
For many of us, since we were young children, Christmas has been a special time of celebrating Jesus’ birth, giving and receiving gifts, and spending time with family and... »
It’s natural to make assumptions about people. Sadly, what we tend to assume is often negative. Personally, I have seen how very easy it is to do this, and I often pray t... »
Everyone experiences some very difficult times of testing at different points in their lives. Maybe you’re in the midst of one of these times and you’re feeling weary and... »
We can go through life and miss some of the things that God is trying to teach us if we don’t intentionally seek to learn from God. Some things are obvious, but others ar... »
Have you ever wondered what happens to you after you die? What’s in store for you when you get to the “other side”?—If there is another side. Is there a heaven? If so, wh... »
I was cold. Having to get out of my nice, warm bed early on a brisk morning didn’t seem like an ideal way to start the day. I was tired. I hadn’t slept well the night bef... »
When seeking Jesus for encouragement for any difficulties that you (or one of your friends or loved ones) may be experiencing, the Lord brought to mind the life to come.... »
With the Christmas season beginning, we will likely be presented with numerous opportunities to talk to people about how the babe in the manger is a gift that can have gr... »
Life is often likened to going to school, and that’s a good analogy. God allows all sorts of things to happen in our lives to test us, to see how we’ll react to them, to... »
I’ve heard and read many encouraging stories about the positive aspects of people’s experiences embracing the changes that come with aging. Well, now it’s my turn! I’m di... »