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Meeting My Best Friend

Meeting My Best Friend

Keith Phillips

I was 21 when I read the Bible for the first time. Someone had suggested I read the Gospel of John first, but I knew so little about the Bible at the time that I didn’t u... »

Lasting change

Lasting change

Keith Phillips

The New Year is more than just a marking of time—or at least it can be. Many people see it as an opportunity to make a new start in some area of their lives. Perhaps it’s... »

The best gift

The best gift

Keith Phillips

Can you imagine being given a Christmas gift and not opening it for 20 years? Well, that’s exactly what I did. Year after year I unwrapped all of my other gifts and enjoy... »

The road to happiness

The road to happiness

Keith Phillips

When asked what it means to praise God, my then-four-year-old grandson Logan explained, “It’s when we tell God, ‘Good job!’” I chuckled when I heard that, but it got me t... »

Overcoming fears

Overcoming fears

Keith Phillips

Like life itself, the Bible is full of triumphs that could just as easily have ended in disaster. If the heroes in those stories had turned and run the other way, who cou... »

My friend’s secret

My friend’s secret

Keith Phillips

Some say that happiness is what we make it. The more time I spend with a certain friend, the more I’m convinced that’s true. Several years ago, he was a successful busine... »

The ties that bind

The ties that bind

Keith Phillips

When two of my grown children recently had their own first babies, it confirmed something I’d known for years: Parenthood brings out the best in people. New parents feel... »

Growing together

Growing together

Keith Phillips

The greatest discovery that any of us can make in life is that we can have a close personal relationship with our heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus. That relationshi... »



Keith Phillips

The evening of December 9, 1914, an explosion set fire to a large scientific laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey. At least ten buildings were destroyed, along with year... »

Our world

Our world

Keith Phillips

The Bible tells us that when He had finished creating the heavens and the earth, “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”[[Genesis 1:31]] Then... »

The best is yet to be

The best is yet to be

Keith Phillips

Odd, isn’t it, how our perceptions change as we age. When I was very small, my brother, who was all of 18 months older, defined “big.” When I was in 1st grade, I thought... »

The best gift

The best gift

Keith Phillips

Life is filled with difficulties and challenges, and at one time or another we all find ourselves in some particularly desperate situation. These desperate situations cau... »