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Mr. Eternity

Mr. Eternity

My daughter once asked me if I regretted devoting my life to Christian service. I answered, “No regrets whatsoever. The idea has been to work with eternity in mind.” The... »

Breaking point 

Breaking point 

What amazed me the first time I saw an oil refinery up close was the intricate maze of pipes. Besides the complexity of it, one wonders how it can all be maintained safel... »

The seasons of life

The seasons of life

Curtis Peter van Gorder

Our theatre group regularly performs a dynamic skit based on a monologue from the Shakespeare play As You Like It, where he summarizes the seasons of our lives in seven s... »

The power of a smile

The power of a smile

Smiles are powerful. You’ve probably met a few gifted people, like I have, who radiate warmth and friendliness all the time. They smile so much that just being around the... »

Speed up, slow down

Speed up, slow down

Curtis Peter van Gorder

The books on the shelf have similar titles: Slowing Down Modern Life, The Rush Culture, Putting a Price on Speed … Most everyone agrees that contemporary life is lived in... »

The sand clock

The sand clock

Curtis Peter van Gorder

I went to my desk on Christmas Eve morning to find that our beloved sand clock glass had somehow broken. I threw it away, then fished it out again to take one last dramat... »

Paperclip faith

Paperclip faith

Curtis Peter van Gorder

Did you ever hear about the young man named Kyle MacDonald who traded a paperclip for one item after the other until he was able to get his own house? Surprisingly, it on... »

Fruity lessons

Fruity lessons

I was recently fascinated to read how scientists learned how to make more effective waterproof products such as raincoats and airplane parts by studying the ridges on but... »

Butterfly encounters

Butterfly encounters

As I was researching material for a short story about an antique dealer who collected rare butterflies, I came across a website that revealed a rich resource of stories i... »