Becky’s gift
Becky was a fellow student I sat next to in 5th grade some 50 years ago. Something reminded me of her this morning and, one thing leading to another, a whole host of memo... »
Becky was a fellow student I sat next to in 5th grade some 50 years ago. Something reminded me of her this morning and, one thing leading to another, a whole host of memo... »
Around 1880, a boarding school for girls run by the Sisters of Loretto near Santa Fe, in the American state of New Mexico, needed a stairway to connect the choir loft to... »
If you’re feeling lonely this Christmas, you’re not alone. Sad Christmas songs are popular because they strike a responsive chord in many. For a number of people, Christm... »
God’s Word tells us that God is love and that He wants the world to be filled with the same: “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all... »
It’s sometimes called the most human of instruments, because it has the noble mission of expressing our deepest emotions. It sings in its deep vibrant voice to touch our... »
An abalone is a shellfish that sticks to rocks in coastal waters. It’s a gastropod, which means that its stomach is its foot—it walks on its stomach. And apart from its s... »
When I was in the darkness of my struggle, I didn’t want to talk about it, but now that the light is on, I can. To make a long story short: no show, no go. And now the fu... »
One day I was out and saw a new electronic scale that takes a person’s weight, correlates it with his or her height, and plots a graph that shows whether that person is u... »
To know where something is, you often have to find out where it ain’t. This contrast jumped out at me recently while viewing two docudramas. One was The Lost Pirate Kingd... »
My wife and I once saw a German stage production of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. You likely know the story of a miserly banker who transforms into a kind and ge... »
I recently stumbled upon a fascinating book in a used book store. The premise of The Secret Life of Water, by Masaru Emoto, is that water reflects the positive or negativ... »
I came across a gem of an article from a 1997 Reader’s Digest about what was then the world’s largest-producing diamond mine—the Argyle mine, in Western Australia. At its... »
Ted and Dorothy were a young couple who bought Wall Drug, a drugstore in a small town in the western United States, in 1931. In those days, a drugstore was like a conveni... »