When you feel tired, anxious, or overwhelmed, come to Me and you will find relief from the worries and cares that tumble about you. As you cast your cares on Me in prayer, I will encourage, strengthen, and comfort you, and help you make it through the day. You will find comfort and rest for your soul 1.

Remember that I am the Good Shepherd and I love and care for My sheep 2. Not only that—I am your Good Shepherd. If you will come to Me and be still and learn of Me, I will renew your strength 3. When you feel weary and burdened, that is the time to take shelter in My presence and rest under the shadow of My wings 4.

I know what it is like to feel the burden and the strain of the earthly life. I was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief 5. I am able to empathize with everything that you face, and I always live to intercede on your behalf 6. As your Good Shepherd, I go before you, that you may look to Me and partake of My strength.

As you draw close to Me and commune with Me, you will discover that My love will carry you. So meet Me in the secret place of prayer, and see that I will supply your needs 7. When you feel weary and burdened with the strain of it all, enter into My presence, and find My joy, peace, and strength.

  1. Matthew 11:28-29
  2. John 10:11
  3. Isaiah 40:31
  4. Psalm 91:4
  5. Isaiah 53:3
  6. Hebrews 7:25
  7. Psalm 91:1