“Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began” (2 Timothy 1:9).

A disciple is defined as a “follower of Jesus,” “a learner,” “one who follows in the master’s footsteps,” “someone who is aiming to be like Jesus.” Disciples seek to learn, study, and then follow and apply what their teacher tells them. We are students of Jesus—our Master. We seek to not only learn about His life on earth, the truths of God’s Word, and His nature and character, but we seek to follow His example and to live as He taught us to live, to love as He loved, and to live a life of faith.

Discipleship goes beyond simply accepting the teachings and believing them; it is essentially a choice to become active in practicing the teachings. Disciples add action to their beliefs; they are “doers of the word, and not only hearers” (James 1:22). Discipleship is, quite literally, a commitment to pattern our lives, attitudes, and actions in accordance with the teachings and example of Jesus; in short, to be like Him. And that’s a tall order, since Jesus lived the ultimate life of love, mercy, compassion, sacrifice, truth, and integrity, of any man or woman who has ever walked the earth.

One of Jesus’ most life-changing calls was given in just two words: “Follow Me.” And when He said that, He in fact meant for us to shape our lives, thoughts, habits, and actions after His. As fallible human beings, we aren’t capable of rising to this challenge, but as we surrender to God and draw on the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be conformed to the likeness of Christ (Romans 8:29).

Discipleship is centered on love for Jesus and having a personal relationship with Him. It also hinges on faith in His Word. It requires dedication and commitment. Being a disciple of Jesus is a challenge. Jesus made it clear that following Him would involve sacrifice, forsaking, putting His will above our own, loving others with His love, and sharing His teachings with others, even being willing to “lose our lives for His sake” (Matthew 10:39).

Walking the path of discipleship means going beyond believing in the teachings to following the teachings and applying them in our daily living. Disciples are key to the spreading of Christianity, to fulfilling the commission Jesus gave to His first disciples, those originally tasked with bringing the good news to the world of their day. As disciples today, we are tasked with bringing the gospel to the world of our time.

Discipleship is not an isolated, once-in-a-lifetime happening. It’s a spiritual journey, a faith journey. It involves daily choices and actions to abide in Jesus, and to let Him abide in us, to be led, fed, and cleansed by His Word, to operate under the influence of the Holy Spirit and God’s love, to seek Him, to yield to His will for our lives, to obey Him to the best of our ability, to testify of His love through our words and actions, to bear fruit that glorifies Him.

Discovering how God wants you to live your discipleship, how He wants you to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth is part of your personal spiritual journey (Matthew 5:13–15). You are a unique individual and God has plans for you that are unique to you and your circumstances, your talents, and your abilities. What He asks is that you commit these to Him and use them to glorify Him and to make the world a better place, to be part of the answer to the Lord’s prayer, “Your kingdom come” (Luke 11:2), by doing what He asks you to do to follow Him and be a part of the world-changing force He has called His followers to be.

So what does discipleship mean in the context of today’s world? A disciple is someone who follows hard after God, following His will as expressed in the Bible and seeking His specific will for their life, their career, their family, and their personal pursuits. It means living your life according to His teachings.

As Billy Graham once said, “This invitation to discipleship is the most thrilling cause we could ever imagine. Think of it: The God of the universe invites us to become His partners in reclaiming the world for Him! We can each have a part, using the unique gifts and opportunities God has given us.”