All the works that Jesus did on earth had to be extremely important for the Son of God to come down in order to do them. But when you examine those extremely important things, you see that not all of them were what most people would call “spectacular” in the physical. Many of the things He did—the spiritual transformations—had very little, if any, fanfare. Many of them, like His witness to Nicodemus,[See John 3:1–21.] or forgiving the immoral woman’s sins,[See Luke 7:37–38, 48.] or His encounter with the woman at the well,[See John 4:1–29.] weren’t outstanding in physical ways.
The more visible opportunities where He taught and healed large crowds had their time and place, such as when He fed the five thousand.[See Matthew 14:21.] But He also invested His time and attention on those focused moments when He connected heart to heart with one person or a small group of people.
The Bible records several life-changing miracles that Jesus performed in people’s spirits that didn’t require a huge investment of time or materials or effort. He was just where He needed to be when the opportunity arose, and He was faithful to give the truth, love, mercy, and forgiveness that lifted a broken heart or a confused mind or a lost spirit. His gift was His unconditional love that could impart hope, light, and truth.
If we can follow His example by giving to those who need His care and support in whatever way He shows us, this Christmas season can be everything He wants it to be. The more we follow His example, the more our own lives will be spiritually enriched. As we do what we can to demonstrate His love to others, He will help us to better understand His plan in our own lives.
Letting Him use you to share His love is the gift He wants the most for His birthday. It’s a gift that you can give no matter what skills or abilities you have, what your financial situation is, or what else you’re doing, and it’s one that only you can give Him, because it’s the gift of your own willing heart.
My Christmas Prayer: This Christmas, I want to give You the gift of my heart, Jesus. Please come in and fill me with Your unconditional love that stands the test of time.