When I designed the book of your life, I didn’t make it a hardbound stitched masterpiece. I made it more like a ring binder, with pieces that could be added and taken out. I made it so that you could freely choose to add an extra page or chapter, or a whole new section if necessary.

If you keep your book open to Me and let Me leaf through it and make adjustments, I can help transform your life to fulfill My purpose for you. You might feel that you like your pages the way they are, and you’re comfortable with the layout and the thickness of your binder, but if you trust Me to work in your life, I can help you to make the right adjustments.

Be flexible, be willing to expand and adapt to new circumstances and times of change that I bring into your life, ready to fill the need, able to accommodate, and willing to try new things or methods. Have faith, and trust Me to come through for you.

I love transforming your life “from glory to glory.”1 Trust that with My help you can learn and grow as you need to in any area. You’re never past learning. You can change and expand your horizons as needed. You can continue to be transformed to grow into the fullness of My image9 as you keep looking to and heeding the instruction in My Word.

  1. 2 Corinthians 3:18