Following Me doesn’t mean that you will never encounter problems, because problems are part of life on earth, and they’re one of the ways in which I teach and strengthen you. But it means that regardless of life’s obstacles, I can care for you and do what you can’t do. I can work in the spiritual realm to bring about events that will help you to be successful.
When your heart is right with Me and you want to please Me and obey Me, I love to help you do just that. Then, in the process, I love to bless you. I know that you’re human and that you will make mistakes, and maybe get a little off track sometimes or do something that isn’t pleasing to Me. But that doesn’t mean that I will withdraw My love from you and stop blessing you.
I’m always willing to help you get back on track, to bring you back to the path of My will. Don’t let your faults or failings convince you that you can’t follow Me. All you need is a willing spirit, a ready mind, a heart full of faith—faith that will not give up, but will persevere one day at a time.
My will is something personal between you and Me. As you ask Me about it, I can show you what to do and help you take whatever steps are needed.