An early 20th-century American sportswriter named Grantland Rice wrote, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” That concept goes along with the theme of this issue of Activated—The Game of Life. To use some common sports analogies, throughout our lifetime there will be seasons when we are “on a roll” enjoying a “winning streak,” and other times when we are “not having a good season” and are “off our game.” But someday we will look back and see that our most precious memories did not come from our “easy wins,” but from the experiences that tested our endurance and perseverance.
While so much emphasis is placed on winning in today’s ultracompetitive world, the way the game of life is played—and more specifically, how we play it with other players, including our rivals—is the mark of real success. This is particularly true in team sports, which is how we as Christians play the game of life. It’s hardly ever the lone star that wins the victory, but the team as a whole. The best players are usually the ones who encourage their teammates and include others in their plays, those who pass the ball so someone else can finish the play and make the shot, and those who treat the opposing team members with consideration and respect.
At the time of writing this we have been reading commentaries about a political figure who passed away suddenly after a tragic accident. Though the list of this man’s accomplishments was quite impressive, the list of his personal attributes that were brought out by those who had worked closely with him was even more impressive. They noted his optimism, perseverance, dedication, sense of service, humility, strong convictions, and more. Some of the most thought-provoking comments were about the way he handled setbacks and failures, his deeply grounded faith and optimism when confronting challenges, and his generosity towards his political adversaries. This is a good reminder that our life is more about who we are than what we do.
How do we play the game of life? Our guidebook, the Bible, is a source of divine inspiration, strength, and guidance that will give us the fortitude to live each stage of our lives with dignity, love, grace, and glory.