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Help comes from the Lord

Help comes from the Lord

Rosane Pereira

A missionary’s husband passed away at the age of 37, leaving her with seven children aged seven months to 14 years old. Her husband was in the process of emigrating from... »

Keeping the spark

Keeping the spark

Anna Perlini

When I was a child I remember bursting into tears when thinking of my parents growing old. I loved them so much, and just the thought that one day they could lose some ha... »

Hold on

Hold on

Message from Jesus

Do not give up! Do not let go! Hold on to Me because I love you. Hold on to My Word, which gives courage, strength, faith, hope, life, and power, even where there is none... »

Laying bricks

Laying bricks

Ronan Keane

One of the most mind-boggling questions is “How does God relate to time?” The Bible does its best to give us God’s perspective. “Don’t forget that for the Lord one day is... »

A cup of coffee

A cup of coffee

Maresha Voorn

I find that the days I start with God are the best. He’s like a good cup of coffee: I breathe deeply of its aroma, savor its taste, enjoy its warmth on a cold morning, an... »

Take one, take two

Take one, take two

Iris Richard

Take one Hearing the crunch of metal against metal as I backed out of my parking spot almost made my heart stop. I was in a hurry and had quickly scanned the parking lot... »

Little white star

Little white star

Elsa S.

Another stressful, exhausting day was finally over. Frustration and fatigue hung heavily over me, a combination of hassles with my cranky computer, a gloomy sky with driz... »

A child’s choice

A child’s choice

Anna Perlini

It was 1996, and our family had just moved from the safety of Italy to a somewhat still troubled and unstable post-war Croatia, settling in a large apartment on the outsk... »

Kitchen whiz

Kitchen whiz

Joyce Suttin

You can hear me banging pots in the kitchen. Slamming doors and rattling glassware, I hastily put away the dishes. Clanging loudly, I slam the iron pot on the stove. Mom... »

The 60-minute challenge

The 60-minute challenge

Tina Kapp

I read an interesting self-help article called “Take Charge of Your Life in Just One Hour,” [[Fairlady, April 2013]] by Anna Rich. It stood out to me because the advice w... »

Nilo’s smile

Nilo’s smile

Andrew Mateyak

When I ponder who the greatest people in my world are, I find there are so many to choose from. There are great men and women from the past with outstanding accomplishmen... »



Koos Stenger

“The conclusion”—the speaker said in a booming voice—“is simple. Thank God for the small things in life. Don't look for the millions, but be thankful for the cents.” Ever... »