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The ultimate proof

The ultimate proof

Chris Mizrany

How quickly Christmas has come again! The days, weeks, and months fly by, and I end up being both surprised and resigned to reaching another Christmas season. Not that I... »

Why I came to earth

Why I came to earth

Message from Jesus

When I came down on Christmas Day, it wasn’t to attend a party or pick up gifts from friends. It wasn’t part of a school field trip, or to get a good deal at a stable. Wh... »

Four loves

Four loves

Ronan Keane

In modern English, the word “love” conveys a range of emotions, but the classical Greeks were more precise. They had four words that have all been translated as “love” in... »

Love in the workplace

Love in the workplace

Sally García

No, I’m not talking about coffee break romances, but rather about whether it’s possible to run a successful business with love. An article in the Harvard Business Review... »

The art of caring

The art of caring

Maria Fontaine

My prayer is that in all the busyness of life, in the abundance of urgent needs and priorities, we don’t lose sight of how important love is—both in the big picture and i... »

Opportunities for love

Opportunities for love

There’s an important and easily missed form of love that’s manifested in the small matters. For example, helping a person in need, preferring them over ourselves, showing... »

God’s touches

God’s touches

Not long ago, some friends of ours wanted to move to another country to explore new work possibilities and be closer to their family. Though they had countless difficulti... »

A 1 Corinthians 13 life

A 1 Corinthians 13 life

Chris Mizrany

I was reading 1 Corinthians 13 today, and meditating on the practical application of the verses. I wrote down my thoughts and hope they’ll be an inspiration to you. Thoug... »

An enduring romance

An enduring romance

Marie Alvero

I recently had the opportunity to be around a couple who had 35+ years of marriage under their belt. Watching the way they interacted with each other raised the marriage... »

The eccentric couple

The eccentric couple

Anna Perlini

I first met Danica and Milic over 13 years ago. They were already affectionately known as “the grandparents on the mountain,” because the name of the small village where... »

The bond of kindness

The bond of kindness

Elsa S.

When I think back on my unforgettable freshman semester in college, an image of a six-foot-five, lanky fellow with longish black hair comes to mind. Steve was a senior in... »

Kings and queens

Kings and queens

Keith Phillips

Some years ago there was a popular song about righting all the wrongs in the world. I don’t remember all the words, but the gist of it was “If I were king of the world, I... »

God is love

God is love

Going through a difficult week recently turned out to be an opportunity for me to reflect on God’s love for me and my love toward Him. While I know that God’s love for me... »