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Falling together 

Falling together 

Heidi Dansholm

“Everything is falling apart!” My outburst came one day after a visit to the Kurasini Orphanage in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where our team of volunteers has been working... »

Put God on the spot

Put God on the spot

Virginia Brandt Berg

After you have asked God for something, take action. Act on your faith. Put feet to your prayers by taking steps toward your goal. When I was the pastor of a church in Wa... »

Precious moments 

Precious moments 

Anna Ranta

It was a typical Monday morning, and my husband and I were in town on business for the humanitarian aid project we operate in several Balkan nations. By 10 amit was alrea... »

Earthly possessions

Earthly possessions

Koos Stenger

I have always been a dog person. I grew up with dogs, and even later in life when my wife and I served as missionaries, we felt a dog was a necessary addition to our hous... »

Lasting riches

Lasting riches

Message from Jesus

My Word contains hundreds of promises that are yours to claim. As you read, absorb, and claim those promises, you will see answers to your prayers that will cause your fa... »

The cork and the steel bar 

The cork and the steel bar 

Ronan Keane

The Bible tells us that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” [[James 5:16 NIV]] But most of us have probably wondered if our prayers really make... »

Lost in Liverpool

Lost in Liverpool

Rosane Pereira

Since I was a little girl, I have heard that God is omnipresent. I used to have a vague idea of it, like some cosmic energy, but since then, I have had some experiences t... »

Ask, seek, knock

Ask, seek, knock

Peter Amsterdam

Matthew chapter 7, the last chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, contains a number of succinct statements, which make important points for believers. The focus is on praye... »

Heaven’s best

Heaven’s best

Jewel Roque

I was fifteen and looked forward to Fridays, as it meant a trip to the beach. Every week during the summer, our youth group put on an impromptu performance of songs and s... »

Baking prayers

Baking prayers

Marie Story

Prayer often works like baking a loaf of bread: You’ve got to mix the ingredients, knead the dough, proof the dough, then bake the finished loaf. Step one: mix the ingred... »

Two-minute prayers

Two-minute prayers

Chris Mizrany

I’ve often struggled to make time to pray. Though my wife and I pray together each morning and before bed, I find myself neglecting that regular “talking with Jesus” thro... »

Candles and prayers

Candles and prayers

Joyce Suttin

There are some verses I’ve had a very difficult time with. One of them is “Pray continually.” [[1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV]] That verse is often on my mind, and I’ve learne... »

My dishwashing partner

My dishwashing partner

Sally García

Some of my most significant moments with God have been with my hands in dishwater. For many years, I’ve been in the habit of starting my morning with devotional reading a... »