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Salt and light

Salt and light

Peter Amsterdam

Jesus opened the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes, which provide an overview of how He intends for those who follow Him to live their faith. Throughout the rest of... »

The successful sales pitch

The successful sales pitch

Marie Alvero

I went to the retail store, Costco, today to return a vacuum cleaner I had purchased that turned out to be defective. After making our return, we were in need of a new va... »

Finding our niche

Finding our niche

William B. McGrath

The great British writer Gilbert Keith Chesterton wrote a series of short stories about a parish priest, Father Brown, with a knack for forensics. This lowly priest inves... »

Whose fool?

Whose fool?

Linda Cross

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. … If you remai... »

Jonathan’s integrity

Jonathan’s integrity

Mara Hodler

I’ve always thought Prince Jonathan, the son of Israel’s first anointed king, is an amazing example in the Bible of honor and integrity. Think about it: he was logically... »

Mr. Eternity

Mr. Eternity

My daughter once asked me if I regretted devoting my life to Christian service. I answered, “No regrets whatsoever. The idea has been to work with eternity in mind.” The... »

The music of our life

The music of our life

Chris Mizrany

If you asked me how I feel about music, I'd say I'm an enthusiast. My friends might say a fanatic, but I just tune them out. There’s something inexplicable about music th... »

Happy people

Happy people

Message from Jesus

I would love it if the world were filled with joyous and godly laughter: jolly, infectious, festive, holy laughter, the kind that spreads joy to the world! “Happy arethe... »

The best things

The best things

Ronan Keane

You may have seen the quote by American syndicated humorist Art Buchwald, [[1925–2007]] “The best things in life aren’t things.” It has a way of popping up in my mind whe... »

A sure foundation

A sure foundation

Uday Paul

Recently I was thinking about how the collapse of the American stock market in 1929 toppled the world’s financial and economic systems one after the other. Businesses, in... »

Money management

Money management

Peter Amsterdam

A pastor once said, “Living right financially isn’t complicated; it may be difficult, but it isn’t complicated.” It’s difficult because living right financially is more t... »

The mindset change

The mindset change

Marie Alvero

A recent study done by Charles Schwab showed that in the United States, $2.4 million is the number that makes a household feel wealthy, and just over $1 million is what i... »