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A new identity

A new identity

Uday Paul

One of my favorite movies is the 1967 classic Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. The movie was released at a very sensitive period in American history when race relations were... »

Grandpa’s smile

Grandpa’s smile

Joyce Suttin

He lay covered in white hospital sheets, hooked up to a tangle of tubes and wires. As I approached, I barely recognized him—the pasty skin, the sunken cheeks—but when he... »

The passion of the Christian

The passion of the Christian

Chris Mizrany

Each year, when Easter comes around, I find myself overwhelmed by the thought of what Jesus went through for us. So much suffering, anguish, and pain He took in the hours... »

God’s gift to me

God’s gift to me

Amy Joy Mizrany

I’ve always especially liked Easter. While Christmas is a celebration of joy and excitement for the entire world to take pleasure in—even non-Christians—I feel Easter is... »

Easter joy

Easter joy

Lily Neve

Last Easter Sunday, I baked a lemon cake for a small group of friends gathering at my place to read the Easter story. We followed along in our Bibles, stopping to discuss... »

Easter traditions

Easter traditions

Easter is one of the most important Christian festivals of the year, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection three days after His crucifixion. Some Easter traditions in various c... »

Fully loved

Fully loved

Marie Alvero

When my youngest was a toddler, each night I would put her to sleep in her own bed. Sometimes this was an easy job and my tired little one would be asleep in minutes; som... »

The real thing 

The real thing 

Message from Jesus

I am not a fabrication, a figment of the imagination, or a fable. I am real—and I am what you need. I can give you comfort in place of anxiety, faith in place of fear, re... »

The quest for success

The quest for success

Ronan Keane

We may not all have the same definition of success, but who doesn’t want to be successful? And rightly so. The desire for comfort and security and the yearning for meanin... »

Stress relief

Stress relief

Keith Phillips

Stress relief has become a multifaceted, multi-billion-dollar industry. Armies of experts have emerged, dispensing advice of every sort. Some say the key is better time m... »

Never ever quit!

Never ever quit!

Peter Amsterdam

Life is hard sometimes. When you’ve worked as hard as you possibly could and yet you failed to make the grade, your dreams remain out of reach, and you feel you just can’... »

The path of most persistence

The path of most persistence

Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it to glory.—William Barclay (1907–1978) We must persevere in prayer that He may not permit our hearts... »

Worth forty thousand

Worth forty thousand

Tina Kapp

There are two opposite attitudes in life. Some people’s motivational attitude inspires them to work harder and be better. They also have a knack for inspiring others to b... »