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Not perfect, but right

Not perfect, but right

Diana Motolinia

Recently, I decided to attend some free knitting and crocheting classes offered at a local community center. The idea of learning new things is more appealing to me at 63... »

Love while I can

Love while I can

Elsa S.

Arguments with my parents marred my college years. We argued about how much time I spent on expanding my social life, my newfound love for television talk shows, my desir... »

A lesson in kindness

A lesson in kindness

Rosane Pereira

A few years ago, our neighbors gave their female dog to a friend of theirs. Some time later, this old man died and the dog journeyed to our street, but our neighbors no l... »

Each one unique

Each one unique

A new baby fills our lives with a special joy, a special hope. A baby is a living soul, formed through the union of a spirit created by God with the physical elements of... »

Creating family

Creating family

Marie Alvero

In the doctor’s office where I work, we have a regular patient by the first name of Blender. That is her legal, given name. I haven’t had an opportunity to ask about the... »

Opa and I

Opa and I

Iris Richard

My grandfather, whom I called “Opa,” and I were best buddies. He sharpened my instincts and shared his love for nature during our weekly hikes in the woods. Each weekend,... »

Balancing act

Balancing act

Ronan Keane

Have you noticed that it’s rare to find someone who honestly feels that their life is in good balance: their work, their family life, their spiritual life, their daily ch... »

The best worst thing

The best worst thing

Joyce Suttin

I met my friend Laura when I was 13 years old, when a neighbor brought her to our house. We exchanged home phone numbers and very quickly became best friends. Having a be... »

Health and fitness

Health and fitness

Peter Amsterdam

Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit,[[See 1 Corinthians 3:16–17.]] and God has commissioned us to care for them well and faithfully. Jesus paid the ultimate pric... »

Finding a balance

Finding a balance

Ester Mizrany

At the start of this year, I decided I was going to live a healthier lifestyle. You know, exercise more, eat healthier, and maybe even shed a couple of kilos. I found out... »

You’ll find me running

You’ll find me running

Lily Neve

A few years ago it dawned on me that I was seriously out of shape. My work had become more sedentary, and I hadn’t made up for that. I enjoyed exercise but never seemed t... »

Check your gauges

Check your gauges

Mara Hodler

I killed our van. I was driving along at the peak of summer—and also at the peak of rush hour—completely lost. In the middle of crawling traffic, my air conditioner stopp... »