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Meet the CEO

Meet the CEO

G. L. Ellens

There have been lots of charismatic and visionary leaders and CEOs throughout history, but none of them come close to topping the world-changing importance of Jesus Chris... »

The guitar lesson

The guitar lesson

Take a close look at the two guitars pictured below. If you were a guitarist, which would you pick up to play? Probably the one on the top with the straight frets (the th... »

Welcome to Parkville

Welcome to Parkville

At a workshop I attended, art and drama therapist Emily Nash[[Emily Nash is the founder and director of Therapeutic Arts Alliance Manhattan, a forum offering workshops an... »

My perfect month

My perfect month

David Mizrany

Recently, I came to a wholly and thoroughly unsurprising conclusion: I am not good enough. Now, of course, I know that no one can ever be “good enough” in this life. What... »

Exercising humility

Exercising humility

Li Lian

After a disagreement, take the first step toward reconciliation, and be willing to apologize if you discover that you’ve made a mistake. Don’t hold grudges.—Leviticus 19:... »

The joy of community

The joy of community

Marie Alvero

Today I get the privilege of hosting five families for dinner. We’ve known each other for the better part of our lives, and tonight we’ll all come together in joyful comm... »

Weathering the storm

Weathering the storm

Message from Jesus

Remember the time when I calmed the sea?[[See Mark 4:37–41.]] My disciples were panicking and thought that they would certainly perish. But when they looked to Me for hel... »

The settlement

The settlement

Ronan Keane

The first verses in the first chapter of the book of Isaiah are terrifying! In them, God uses strong language to outline the many offenses of the nation of Judah, includi... »

A life of forgiveness

A life of forgiveness

Chris Mizrany

Throughout my life, I’ve received my share of (well-deserved) consequences for wrongdoing. But more than once, I didn’t get what I deserved. Instead, I received mercy. On... »

The call to forgive

The call to forgive

Peter Amsterdam

The Gospels describe Jesus being whipped, beaten, and then nailed to a cross. As He hung there, waiting to die, some of His last words were “Father, forgive them.”[[Luke... »

Asking for forgiveness

Asking for forgiveness

Sally García

Years ago, I was in a complicated and unpleasant work situation with one of my coworkers. Things didn’t improve, and I was relieved when he eventually moved on. Some time... »

Preserved or pickled?

Preserved or pickled?

Tina Kapp

My favorite taste is sour—sour candies, pickles, anything with lemon, sour cherries, you name it—I love it! Some people may prefer savory, or sweet—or the newcomer to the... »

Placing blame

Placing blame

Joyce Suttin

Recently, I was reviewing my past, thinking about choices I made, and I began to blame others for how some things had turned out. I blamed my parents for the decisions th... »