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Nilda’s hospitality

Nilda’s hospitality

Irena Žabičková

About six years ago we moved to a new neighborhood. Since arriving, we’ve tried to be friendly with our neighbors and show kindness. We greet them with a smile, ask how t... »

God in skin

God in skin

Lily Neve

I read once that a good father prepares us for our relationship with our heavenly Father, God. My father may not realize it, but one thing that shaped my life was a conve... »

Dinner date

Dinner date

After 21 years of marriage, I discovered a new way of keeping the spark of love alive. A little while ago I went out with another woman. It was really my wife’s idea. “I... »

A good start

A good start

Keith Phillips

Clark and Mary were in love. Clark proposed marriage, and Mary accepted. But it wasn’t as simple as that. Clark knew that to have a happy and harmonious marriage, he need... »

Rekindling the magic

Rekindling the magic

Question: My wife and I have been married for 11 years, and though we still love each other, our relationship has grown stale. What can we do to put the magic back in our... »

“He expected it of me”

“He expected it of me”

There is a story about two brothers who enlisted in the army during World War I and were assigned to the same unit. They were soon sent to the frontline trenches. In WWI... »

1 Corinthians 13 for today

1 Corinthians 13 for today

Jesus gave us the key to true purpose and harmony when He said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[[Matthew 22:39]] What does that mean, in practical, everyday terms? One... »

Flavors of love

Flavors of love

The course of true love never did run smooth.—William Shakespeare (1564–1616) Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for,... »

Love, actually

Love, actually

Marie Alvero

Every year, at Christmastime, my husband has to endure my private tradition of watching Love, Actually.[[Richard Curtis. Universal Pictures, 2003.]] The movie weaves toge... »

My Father sent Me

My Father sent Me

Message from Jesus

As My Father sent Me, so send I you. I send you out into a world of hurt and loss, pain and suffering, heartbreak and loneliness, need and yearning, so you can give this... »

Achieving greatness

Achieving greatness

Ronan Keane

When you think of “great” men and women, what sort of people come to mind? Many of us would list outstanding athletes, best-selling authors, favorite movie or TV actors,... »

My jenga tower

My jenga tower

Chris Mizrany

One of my favorite games involves pulling things apart. It’s a high-risk game, as no matter how awesomely you’re doing, things can go wrong very quickly, and then it’s al... »

More like Jesus: humility

More like Jesus: humility

Peter Amsterdam

One key element in our pursuit of Christlikeness is emulating the humility of Jesus. In the ancient world of the Greeks and Romans, humility was seen as a negative trait.... »